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Setting up to install icedove per your instructions crashes debian..<br>
At the URL <a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://mozilla.debian.net/">http://mozilla.debian.net/</a> when I select the following:<br>
 I am running Debian stable Wheezy and I want to install icedove
version esr<br>
And then setup the indicated entry in <code>/etc/apt/sources.list:</code><br>
deb <a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://cdn.debian.net/debian">http://cdn.debian.net/debian</a> unstable main<br>
Then run the indicated commands:<br>
$ apt-get update<br>
$ apt-get install<span id="apt-target"> -t unstable</span> <span
Apt tries to pull in about 500 megs of lots and lots of packages. If
yes is then given to Apt, the installation will fry the entire
debian/wheezy-stable installation and the system will no longer
Is there other instructions that need to be added here? I am sure
that I am not the only one who has damaged their installation by
following these instructions that you are showing.<br>
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