r763 - in /unstable/libmms/debian: changelog patches/20_seeking-support.patch patches/series rules

lool at users.alioth.debian.org lool at users.alioth.debian.org
Mon May 14 11:40:14 UTC 2007

Author: lool
Date: Mon May 14 11:40:14 2007
New Revision: 763

URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-multimedia/?sc=1&rev=763
* New patch, 20_seeking-support, adds API permitting seeking of mms streams;
  by Anon Sricharoenchai; bump shlibs to >= 0.3-4; closes: #387267.


Modified: unstable/libmms/debian/changelog
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-multimedia/unstable/libmms/debian/changelog?rev=763&op=diff
--- unstable/libmms/debian/changelog (original)
+++ unstable/libmms/debian/changelog Mon May 14 11:40:14 2007
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
+libmms (0.3-4) unstable; urgency=low
+  * New patch, 20_seeking-support, adds API permitting seeking of mms streams;
+    by Anon Sricharoenchai; bump shlibs to >= 0.3-4; closes: #387267.
+ -- Loic Minier <lool at dooz.org>  Mon, 14 May 2007 13:31:27 +0200
 libmms (0.3-3) unstable; urgency=low
   * Set Maintainer to pkg-multimedia-maintainers and list myself as Uploader.

Added: unstable/libmms/debian/patches/20_seeking-support.patch
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-multimedia/unstable/libmms/debian/patches/20_seeking-support.patch?rev=763&op=file
--- unstable/libmms/debian/patches/20_seeking-support.patch (added)
+++ unstable/libmms/debian/patches/20_seeking-support.patch Mon May 14 11:40:14 2007
@@ -1,0 +1,431 @@
+Index: libmms-0.3/src/mms.c
+--- libmms-0.3.orig/src/mms.c	2007-05-14 13:35:45.000000000 +0200
++++ libmms-0.3/src/mms.c	2007-05-14 13:37:32.000000000 +0200
+@@ -141,6 +141,8 @@
+   uint8_t       buf[BUF_SIZE];
+   int           buf_size;
+   int           buf_read;
++  off_t         buf_packet_seq_offset; /* packet sequence offset residing in
++                                          buf */
+   uint8_t       asf_header[ASF_HEADER_LEN];
+   uint32_t      asf_header_len;
+@@ -148,10 +150,14 @@
+   int           seq_num;
+   int           num_stream_ids;
+   mms_stream_t  streams[ASF_MAX_NUM_STREAMS];
++  uint8_t       packet_id_type;
+   off_t         start_packet_seq; /* for live streams != 0, need to keep it around */
+   int           need_discont; /* whether we need to set start_packet_seq */
+   uint32_t      asf_packet_len;
+   uint64_t      file_len;
++  uint64_t      time_len; /* playback time in 100 nanosecs (10^-7) */
++  uint64_t      preroll;
++  uint64_t      asf_num_packets;
+   char          guid[37];
+   int           bandwidth;
+@@ -532,6 +538,7 @@
+   header->flags          = 0;
+   header->packet_id_type = 0;
+   len = io_read(io,  this->s, this->buf, 8);
++  this->buf_packet_seq_offset = -1;
+   if (len != 8)
+     goto error;
+@@ -582,6 +589,7 @@
+   lprintf("packet_len: %d bytes\n", packet_len);
+   len = io_read(io,  this->s, this->buf + 12, packet_len) ;
++  //this->buf_packet_seq_offset = -1; // already set in get_packet_header
+   if (len != packet_len) {
+     return 0;
+   }
+@@ -741,6 +749,9 @@
+           break;
+         }
+         this->file_len       = LE_64(this->asf_header + i + 40 - 24);
++        this->time_len       = LE_64(this->asf_header + i + 64 - 24);
++        //this->time_len       = LE_64(this->asf_header + i + 72 - 24);
++        this->preroll        = LE_64(this->asf_header + i + 80 - 24);
+         lprintf ("file object, packet length = %d (%d)\n",
+                  this->asf_packet_len, LE_32(this->asf_header + i + 96 - 24));
+         break;
+@@ -818,6 +829,10 @@
+         }
+         break;
++      case GUID_ASF_DATA:
++        this->asf_num_packets = LE_64(this->asf_header + i + 40 - 24);
++        break;
+       default:
+         lprintf ("unknown object\n");
+         break;
+@@ -1063,6 +1078,7 @@
+   this->need_discont    = 1;
+   this->buf_size        = 0;
+   this->buf_read        = 0;
++  this->buf_packet_seq_offset = -1;
+   this->has_audio       = 0;
+   this->has_video       = 0;
+   this->bandwidth       = bandwidth;
+@@ -1252,6 +1268,7 @@
+ /*   report_progress (stream, 80); */
+   /* command 0x07 */
++  this->packet_id_type = ASF_MEDIA_PACKET_ID_TYPE;
+   {
+     mms_buffer_t command_buffer;
+     mms_buffer_init(&command_buffer, this->scmd_body);
+@@ -1263,7 +1280,7 @@
+     mms_buffer_put_8  (&command_buffer, 0xFF);
+     mms_buffer_put_8  (&command_buffer, 0xFF);
+     mms_buffer_put_8  (&command_buffer, 0x00);                        /* stream time limit flag */
+-    mms_buffer_put_32 (&command_buffer, ASF_MEDIA_PACKET_ID_TYPE);    /* asf media packet id type */
++    mms_buffer_put_32 (&command_buffer, this->packet_id_type);    /* asf media packet id type */
+     if (!send_command (io, this, 0x07, 1, 0x0001FFFF, command_buffer.pos)) {
+   /* FIXME: de-xine-ification */
+       lprintf ( "***LOG:*** -- "
+@@ -1414,7 +1431,8 @@
+ 	/* FIXME: probably needs some more sophisticated logic, but
+ 	   until we do seeking, this should work */
+-	if(this->need_discont)
++	if(this->need_discont &&
++           header.packet_id_type == ASF_MEDIA_PACKET_ID_TYPE)
+ 	{
+ 	  this->need_discont = 0;
+ 	  this->start_packet_seq = header.packet_seq;
+@@ -1451,11 +1469,22 @@
+ 	      (start < end)  && (end < (base+BUF_SIZE-1))) {
+ 	    memset(this->buf + header.packet_len, 0, this->asf_packet_len - header.packet_len);
+  	  }
++          if (header.packet_id_type == this->packet_id_type) {
+ 	  if (this->asf_packet_len > BUF_SIZE) {
+             this->buf_size = BUF_SIZE;
+           } else {
+             this->buf_size = this->asf_packet_len;
+           }
++            this->buf_packet_seq_offset =
++              header.packet_seq - this->start_packet_seq;
++          } else {
++            this->buf_size = 0;
++            // Don't set this packet sequence for reuse in seek(), since the
++            // subsequence packet may be discontinued.
++            //this->buf_packet_seq_offset = header.packet_seq;
++            // already set to -1 in get_packet_header
++            //this->buf_packet_seq_offset = -1;
++          }
+ 	}
+       }
+       break;
+@@ -1529,6 +1558,255 @@
+   return total;
+ }
++// To be inline function?
++static int mms_request_data_packet (mms_io_t *io, mms_t *this,
++  double time_sec, unsigned long first_packet, unsigned long time_msec_limit) {
++  /* command 0x07 */
++  {
++    mms_buffer_t command_buffer;
++    //mms_buffer_init(&command_buffer, this->scmd_body);
++    //mms_buffer_put_32 (&command_buffer, 0x00000000);                  /* 64 byte float timestamp */
++    //mms_buffer_put_32 (&command_buffer, 0x00000000);                  
++    memcpy(this->scmd_body, &time_sec, 8);
++    mms_buffer_init(&command_buffer, this->scmd_body+8);
++    mms_buffer_put_32 (&command_buffer, 0xFFFFFFFF);                  /* ?? */
++    //mms_buffer_put_32 (&command_buffer, 0xFFFFFFFF);                  /* first packet sequence */
++    mms_buffer_put_32 (&command_buffer, first_packet);                  /* first packet sequence */
++    //mms_buffer_put_8  (&command_buffer, 0xFF);                        /* max stream time limit (3 bytes) */
++    //mms_buffer_put_8  (&command_buffer, 0xFF);
++    //mms_buffer_put_8  (&command_buffer, 0xFF);
++    //mms_buffer_put_8  (&command_buffer, 0x00);                        /* stream time limit flag */
++    mms_buffer_put_32 (&command_buffer, time_msec_limit & 0x00FFFFFF);/* max stream time limit (3 bytes) */
++    mms_buffer_put_32 (&command_buffer, this->packet_id_type);    /* asf media packet id type */
++    if (!send_command (io, this, 0x07, 1, 0x0001FFFF, 8+command_buffer.pos)) {
++  /* FIXME: de-xine-ification */
++      lprintf ( "***LOG:*** -- "
++	       "libmms: failed to send command 0x07\n");
++      return 0;
++    }
++  }
++  /* TODO: adjust current_pos, considering asf_header_read */
++  return 1;
++int mms_request_time_seek (mms_io_t *io, mms_t *this, double time_sec) {
++  if (++this->packet_id_type <= ASF_MEDIA_PACKET_ID_TYPE)
++    this->packet_id_type = ASF_MEDIA_PACKET_ID_TYPE+1;
++  //return mms_request_data_packet (io, this, time_sec, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x00FFFFFF);
++  // also adjust time by preroll
++  return mms_request_data_packet (io, this,
++                                  time_sec+(double)(this->preroll)/1000,
++                                  0xFFFFFFFF, 0x00FFFFFF);
++// set current_pos to the first byte of the requested packet by peeking at
++// the first packet.
++// To be inline function?
++static int peek_and_set_pos (mms_io_t *io, mms_t *this) {
++  uint8_t saved_buf[BUF_SIZE];
++  int     saved_buf_size;
++  off_t   saved_buf_packet_seq_offset;
++  // save buf and buf_size that may be changed in get_media_packet()
++  memcpy(saved_buf, this->buf, this->buf_size);
++  saved_buf_size = this->buf_size;
++  saved_buf_packet_seq_offset = this->buf_packet_seq_offset;
++  //this->buf_size = this->buf_read = 0; // reset buf, only if success peeking
++  this->buf_size = 0;
++  while (!this->eos) {
++    // get_media_packet() will set current_pos if data packet is read.
++    if (!get_media_packet (io, this)) {
++  /* FIXME: de-xine-ification */
++      lprintf ( "***LOG:*** -- "
++               "libmms: get_media_packet failed\n");
++      // restore buf and buf_size that may be changed in get_media_packet()
++      memcpy(this->buf, saved_buf, saved_buf_size);
++      this->buf_size = saved_buf_size;
++      this->buf_packet_seq_offset = saved_buf_packet_seq_offset;
++      return 0;
++    }
++    if (this->buf_size > 0) break;
++  }
++  // flush header and reset buf_read, only if success peeking
++  this->asf_header_read = this->asf_header_len;
++  this->buf_read = 0;
++  return 1;
++  //return this->current_pos;
++// send time seek request, and update current_pos corresponding to the next
++// requested packet
++// Note that, the current_pos will always does not less than asf_header_len
++int mms_time_seek (mms_io_t *io, mms_t *this, double time_sec) {
++  if (!mms_request_time_seek (io, this, time_sec)) return 0;
++  return peek_and_set_pos (io, this);
++// http://sdp.ppona.com/zipfiles/MMSprotocol_pdf.zip said that, this
++// packet_seq value make no difference in version 9 servers.
++// But from my experiment with
++// mms:// and
++// mms:// (the url may valid
++// in only 2-3 months) whose server is version 9, it does response and return
++// the requested packet.
++int mms_request_packet_seek (mms_io_t *io, mms_t *this,
++                             unsigned long packet_seq) {
++  if (++this->packet_id_type <= ASF_MEDIA_PACKET_ID_TYPE)
++    this->packet_id_type = ASF_MEDIA_PACKET_ID_TYPE+1;
++  return mms_request_data_packet (io, this, 0, packet_seq, 0x00FFFFFF);
++// send packet seek request, and update current_pos corresponding to the next
++// requested packet
++// Note that, the current_pos will always does not less than asf_header_len
++// Not export this function.  Let user use mms_seek() instead?
++static int mms_packet_seek (mms_io_t *io, mms_t *this,
++                            unsigned long packet_seq) {
++  if (!mms_request_packet_seek (io, this, packet_seq)) return 0;
++  return peek_and_set_pos (io, this);
++TODO: To use this table to calculate buf_packet_seq_offset rather than store
++and retrieve it from this->buf_packet_seq_offset?
++current_packet_seq == (current_pos - asf_header_len) / asf_packet_len
++current_packet_seq == -1 if current_pos < asf_header_len
++buf_packet_seq_offset indicating which packet sequence are residing in the buf.
++Possible status after read(), "last" means last value or unchange.
++current_packet_seq | buf_read       | buf_size  | buf_packet_seq_offset
++<= 0               | 0 (last)       | 0 (last)  | none
++<= 0               | 0 (last)       | 0 (last)  | eos at #0
++<= 0               | 0 (last)       | 0 (last)  | eos at > #0
++<= 0               | 0 (last)       | > 0 (last)| #0
++<= 0               | buf_size (last)| > 0 (last)| > #0
++> 0                | 0              | 0         | eos at current_packet_seq
++> 0                | 0(never happen)| > 0       | (never happen)
++> 0                | buf_size       | > 0       | current_packet_seq-1
++// TODO: How to handle seek() in multi stream source?
++// The stream that follows 0x20 ("new stream") command.
++off_t mms_seek (mms_io_t *io, mms_t *this, off_t offset, int origin) {
++  off_t dest;
++  off_t dest_packet_seq;
++  //off_t buf_packet_seq_offset;
++  switch (origin) {
++    case SEEK_SET:
++      dest = offset;
++      break;
++    case SEEK_CUR:
++      dest = this->current_pos + offset;
++      break;
++    case SEEK_END:
++      //if (this->asf_num_packets == 0) {
++      //  //printf ("input_mms: unknown end position in seek!\n");
++      //  return this->current_pos;
++      //}
++      dest = mms_get_length (this) + offset;
++    default:
++      printf ("input_mms: unknown origin in seek!\n");
++      return this->current_pos;
++  }
++  dest_packet_seq = dest - this->asf_header_len;
++  //if (dest_packet_seq > 0) dest_packet_seq /= this->asf_packet_len;
++  dest_packet_seq = dest_packet_seq >= 0 ?
++    dest_packet_seq / this->asf_packet_len : -1;
++#if 0
++  // buf_packet_seq_offset will identify which packet sequence are residing in
++  // the buf.
++#if 1 /* To show both of the alternate styles :D */
++  buf_packet_seq_offset = this->current_pos - this->asf_header_len;
++  //if (buf_packet_seq_offset > 0) buf_packet_seq_offset /= this->asf_packet_len;
++  buf_packet_seq_offset = buf_packet_seq_offset >= 0 ?
++    buf_packet_seq_offset / this->asf_packet_len : -1;
++  // Note: buf_read == buf_size == 0 may means that it is eos,
++  //       eos means that the packet has been peek'ed.
++  if (this->buf_read >= this->buf_size && this->buf_size > 0 &&
++      buf_packet_seq_offset >= 0 ||
++      // assuming packet not peek'ed in the following condition
++      /*this->buf_read >= this->buf_size && */this->buf_size == 0 &&
++      buf_packet_seq_offset == 0)
++    // The buf is all read but the packet has not been peek'ed.
++    --buf_packet_seq_offset;
++  buf_packet_seq_offset = this->current_pos - this->asf_header_len - 1;
++  //if (buf_packet_seq_offset > 0) buf_packet_seq_offset /= this->asf_packet_len;
++  buf_packet_seq_offset = buf_packet_seq_offset >= 0 ?
++    buf_packet_seq_offset / this->asf_packet_len : -1;
++  // Note: buf_read == buf_size == 0 may means that it is eos,
++  //       eos means that the packet has been peek'ed.
++  if (this->buf_read == 0/* && buf_packet_seq_offset >= 0*/)
++    // Since the packet has just been peek'ed.
++    ++buf_packet_seq_offset;
++  if (dest_packet_seq < 0) {
++    if (this->buf_packet_seq_offset > 0) {
++      if (!mms_request_packet_seek (io, this, 0xFFFFFFFF))
++        return this->current_pos;
++#if 1
++      // clear buf
++      this->buf_read = this->buf_size = 0;
++      this->buf_packet_seq_offset = -1;
++    } else {
++      // clear buf
++      this->buf_read = this->buf_size;
++      // Set this packet sequence not to be reused, since the subsequence
++      // packet may be discontinued.
++      this->buf_packet_seq_offset = -1;
++    // don't reset buf_read if buf_packet_seq_offset < 0, since the previous
++    // buf may not be cleared.
++    } else if (this->buf_packet_seq_offset == 0) {
++      // reset buf_read
++      this->buf_read = 0;
++    }
++    this->asf_header_read = dest;
++    return this->current_pos = dest;
++  }
++  // dest_packet_seq >= 0
++  if (this->asf_num_packets > 0 && dest == this->asf_header_len +
++      this->asf_num_packets*this->asf_packet_len) {
++    // Requesting the packet beyond the last packet, can cause the server to
++    // not return any packet or any eos command.  This can cause
++    // mms_packet_seek() to hang.
++    // This is to allow seeking at end of stream, and avoid hanging.
++    --dest_packet_seq;
++  }
++  if (dest_packet_seq != this->buf_packet_seq_offset) {
++    if (dest_packet_seq >= this->asf_num_packets) {
++      // Do not seek beyond the last packet.
++      return this->current_pos;
++    }
++    if (!mms_packet_seek (io, this, this->start_packet_seq + dest_packet_seq))
++      return this->current_pos;
++    // Check if current_pos is correct.
++    // This can happen if the server ignore packet seek command.
++    // If so, just return unchanged current_pos, rather than trying to
++    // mms_read() to reach the destination pos.
++    // It should let the caller to decide to choose the alternate method, such
++    // as, mms_time_seek() and/or mms_read() until the destination pos is
++    // reached.
++    if (dest_packet_seq != this->buf_packet_seq_offset)
++      return this->current_pos;
++    // This has already been set in mms_packet_seek().
++    //if (current_packet_seq < 0)
++    //  this->asf_header_read = this->asf_header_len;
++    //this->asf_header_read = this->asf_header_len;
++  }
++  // eos is reached ?
++  //if (this->buf_size <= 0) return this->current_pos;
++  //this->buf_read = (dest - this->asf_header_len) % this->asf_packet_len;
++  this->buf_read = dest -
++    (this->asf_header_len + dest_packet_seq*this->asf_packet_len);
++  // will never happen ?
++  //if (this->buf_size <= this->buf_read) return this->current_pos;
++  return this->current_pos = dest;
+ void mms_close (mms_t *this) {
+@@ -1550,8 +1828,18 @@
+   free (this);
+ }
++double mms_get_time_length (mms_t *this) {
++  return (double)(this->time_len) / 1e7;
++uint64_t mms_get_raw_time_length (mms_t *this) {
++  return this->time_len;
+ uint32_t mms_get_length (mms_t *this) {
+   return this->file_len;
++  // use this rather?
++  //return this->asf_header_len + this->asf_num_packets*this->asf_packet_len;
+ }
+ off_t mms_get_current_pos (mms_t *this) {
+Index: libmms-0.3/src/mms.h
+--- libmms-0.3.orig/src/mms.h	2006-06-06 11:49:15.000000000 +0200
++++ libmms-0.3/src/mms.h	2007-05-14 13:36:05.000000000 +0200
+@@ -50,6 +50,28 @@
+ mms_t*   mms_connect (mms_io_t *io, void *data, const char *url, int bandwidth);
+ int      mms_read (mms_io_t *io, mms_t *instance, char *data, int len);
++int      mms_request_time_seek (mms_io_t *io, mms_t *instance, double time_sec);
++int      mms_time_seek (mms_io_t *io, mms_t *instance, double time_sec);
++int      mms_request_packet_seek (mms_io_t *io, mms_t *instance,
++                                  unsigned long packet_seq);
++ * mms_seek() will try to seek using mms_request_packet_seek(), if the server
++ * ignore the packet seek command, it will return unchanged current_pos, rather
++ * than trying to mms_read() until the destination pos is reached.  This is to
++ * let the caller, by itself, to decide to choose the alternate method, such
++ * as, mms_time_seek() and/or mms_read() until the destination pos is reached.
++ * One can do binary search using time offset (mms_time_seek()) as a search
++ * index, to approach the desired byte offset.  It is to systematically guess
++ * the time offset to reach for the byte offset.
++ *
++ * Known BUG: Application must be compiled with 64-bit file offset
++ * (-D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64) to use this function correctly.
++ */
++off_t    mms_seek (mms_io_t *io, mms_t *instance, off_t offset, int origin);
++/* return total playback time in seconds */
++double   mms_get_time_length (mms_t *instance);
++/* return raw total playback time in 100 nanosecs (10^-7) */
++uint64_t mms_get_raw_time_length (mms_t *instance);
+ uint32_t mms_get_length (mms_t *instance);
+ void     mms_close (mms_t *instance);

Modified: unstable/libmms/debian/patches/series
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-multimedia/unstable/libmms/debian/patches/series?rev=763&op=diff
--- unstable/libmms/debian/patches/series (original)
+++ unstable/libmms/debian/patches/series Mon May 14 11:40:14 2007
@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@

Modified: unstable/libmms/debian/rules
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-multimedia/unstable/libmms/debian/rules?rev=763&op=diff
--- unstable/libmms/debian/rules (original)
+++ unstable/libmms/debian/rules Mon May 14 11:40:14 2007
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
-	dh_makeshlibs -V 'libmms0 (>= 0.2)'
+	dh_makeshlibs -V 'libmms0 (>= 0.3-4)'

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