libquicktime-transition now

Fabian Greffrath fabian.greffrath at
Sat Jul 7 11:14:44 UTC 2007

Am Samstag, den 07.07.2007, 12:09 +0200 schrieb Loïc Minier:
>  You may only close bugs in the changelog if your changes fix the bug,
>  not to close old bugs.  Otherwise, you need to close them manually by
>  mailing -done or using BTS commands ("fixed").  


> You should close a bug
>  in a branch with the first version of the changelog of that branch
>  fixing the bug.

Well, since e.g. #417055 has been reported against 2:0.9.7-4 and ist
fixed in 2:0.9.7-5 it has *nothing* do to with the versions in
experimental. Is it right to close the bug in the changelog entry for
2:1.0.0+debian-1 since this is the first upload of the a version that
has this bug fixed upstream? 
I would have to change changelog entries that have already been uploaded
to Debian, is this OK? 
What about 1:0.9.10+debian-1 that has been uploaded before 2:1.0.0
+debian-1; I don't know if the bug has already been fixed in this

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