Bug#285590: shared libdts library

Fabian Greffrath greffrath at leat.rub.de
Mon Jun 2 08:05:57 UTC 2008

Reinhard Tartler schrieb:
> Do you have a number how many packages does this affect? If it is just a
> few, I think filing bugs is okay.

Well, I have checked all packages Build-Depending on libdts-dev, but I 
could not find any one still linking against -ldts_pic - at least none 
that is patched to do so, but I don't believe that there are packages 
that have been prepared upstream to build against a non-standard 
library (VLC?).

I have commited my work on libdts-dev in SVN so far. Packages can also 
be found on mentors.debian.net.

The only remaining issue that I can think of is that all applications 
that are not yet ported to libdca still link against the static libdts 
library, but that's not really a show stopper. ;)


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