git workflow

Free Ekanayaka freee at
Sat Jun 6 12:51:38 UTC 2009


|--==> On Sat, 30 May 2009 17:37:36 +0200, Grammostola Rosea <rosea.grammostola at> said:

  GR> Ok, thanks. For some reason, the username was false:

Yeah, Alioth usernames have "-guest" appended, unless you are a DD.

  GR> [core]
  GR>    repositoryformatversion = 0
  GR>    filemode = true
  GR>    bare = false
  GR>    logallrefupdates = true
  GR> [remote "alioth"]
  GR>    url = ssh://
  GR>    fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/alioth/*

  GR> When I fix it, I'am able to upload.

  GR> So i've uploaded Rumor again.

I hope you were able to solve your git problems, please let me know if
it's not the case. I'm also sorry that you're feeling somehow
frustrated with our mentoring process. As Felipe has stated, we are
very few and it's often difficult to catch up. Please keep also in
mind that this is a voluntary-based effort.

Said this, I think that things could somehow improve if we could solve
this kind of problems interactively on IRC. I'll join #debian-multimedia
more frequently from now on, so please feel free to contact me there
or even query me personally if you see I don't reply on the channel.



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