next steps with ffmpeg and mplayer

Reinhard Tartler siretart at
Thu Mar 5 09:21:26 UTC 2009


A Mennucc <debdev at> writes:

> for my part, I tried to do some job.
> step 0, well, first of all, learn how to properly use GIT
>  but moreover, I tried to build a package out a recent SVN snapshot of
> MPlayer using the most recent FFMpeg in Debian, using my debian/ . I
> have reached a point where the code compiles but fails to link at the
> end. ("been there, seen that" all this is a huge dejavu, already
> happened before the freeze of Lenny)
> as soon as I understand GIT well enough  :->  I will upload this partial
> work somewhere

Oh, I already went ahead and I think I already have have something that
is already almost usable. I've pushed my work from the last 2 days this
morning, please update your git checkout from

The branch should be in a state that is actually producing a (working)
mplayer binary package. I still need to actually test it, from the first
look it looks like no skins are installed.

What is now left to do (and everyone could help here) is to triage bugs
from and, and note the bugs
that have been fixed in debian/changelog. [1]

[1] for those unfamiliar with ubuntu bugs, we can mark ubuntu bugs that
are fixed with a syntax very similar to debian's. just use 'LP: #nnnnnn'
instead of 'Closes: #ddddddd' to indicate a fixed bug in launchpad. It
will be closed when the package is merged the next time.

> Reinhard Tartler ha scritto:
>> Hi Team, hi Christian,
>> I feel I need to give a short status update about the current state of
>> the ffmpeg and mplayer package.
>> mplayer is currently severly broken in unstable, see #516933. mennucc1
>> decided to update the internal ffmpeg copy to match debian's using a
>> dpatch. Since ffmpeg was updated, the mplayer package must do so as
>> well. However, I think we don't need that dpatch of mplayers copy of
>> ffmpeg matches the copy of the ffmpeg-debian package.
> yeay that is the way I am trying to have it working: no copy of ffmpeg
> inside mplayer...orig.tar.gz

I've spoken to Diego, they seem to be working on this and already made
big progress, but they are not there yet. For debian, I'd therefore
suggest that we use a common date for checkouts of mplayer and
debian. This ensures that the copy of ffmpeg inside mplayer is (more or
less) equal to the on in the ffmpeg package.

I've choosen 20090303, because that is the date at which ffmpeg has
branched of the 0.5 release branch. From what I've heared from diego,
mplayer is going to branch of a release branch as well, so we can track
that one instead of trunk in the debian package. FYI, The ffmpeg package
already tracks the 0.5 release branch.

> for this though there are some files in the source of ffmpeg that should
> be shipped in some binary .debs (some of the -dev distributed from the
> source FFMpeg , I mean): namely the following headers
> libavcodec
> libavcodec/avcodec.h
> libavcodec/xvmc.h
> libavformat
> libavformat/riff.h
> libavformat/avio.h
> libavutil
> libavutil/common.h
> libavutil/intreadwrite.h
> libavutil/mem.h
> libavutil/internal.h
> libavutil/x86
> libavutil/x86/bswap.h
> libavutil/bswap.h
> libavutil/timer.h
> and these two , maybe in /usr/share/ffmpeg
> libavcodec/allcodecs.c
> libavformat/allformats.c
> Reinhard, may you add those ?

as indicated above, I don't think this is really worth the efford. Let's
better work together with upstream to make mplayer not using ffmpeg
internals at all.

Progress already done:

 - none of avcodec internals are used anymore, xvmc.h is already

 - Diego told me that the same applies to avformat (unverified by me)

The remaining is then avutil, but Diego indicated that this is work in

>> For that reason I've decided to start working on ffmpeg. Upstream is
>> currently preparing a 0.5 release, which I'd like to include in
>> unstable. The changes are actually pretty small to what we currently
>> have in unstable, so I see no problem with uploading it to unstable
>> directly, since the ffmpeg transition will not finish shortly (not
>> only because of mplayer blocking the transition).
> mplayer may be removed from testing to ease transition; it will indeed
> take some time before it will work

I think that will happen anyway since the bug is already RC.

>> Mennucc, as you can see, I've already started to clean up the mplayer
>> packaging branch.
> I just noted . Today I am quite busy, I will look into it tomorrow


please don't be shocked if you see the new debian/rules file, I really
tried hard to not rewrite it from scratch. :-)

However I indeed did some structural changes to match with the one in
ffmpeg. See the commit logs for details and don't hesitate if something
is unclear. I tried to make the commit messages verbose.

Reinhard Tartler, KeyID 945348A4

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