Re: transition: liblo

Jaromír Mikeš mira.mikes at
Sat Nov 7 12:40:03 UTC 2009

> Od: Felipe Sateler <fsateler at>

FS > NMU dropping the versioning is enough for them. All other packages
FS > should require binNMUs, and the new version is supposed to be
 FS > API-compatible with the old one.
JM > Can I help with it somehow?
JM > btw lv2fil and zynjacku package I would like get uploaded will take advantage
JM > from new liblo version.
CM > The ball is really in the release manager half for the moment.
CM > What you can do is check that the new version is indeed API-compatible
CM > with the old one by installing liblo-dev from experimental and checking
CM > that lv2fil and zynjacku build and work correctly with it
CM > If the new liblo improvements are really important for lv2fil and
CM > zynjacku, you could consider preparing a package for experimental.
CM > When the release manager agree with liblo7 moving to sid, all the
CM > packages depending on liblo0 will be rebuilt to use liblo7. that's a
CM > semi-automatic process known as binNMU.
JM > Aha, now I understand the process thank you for explanation.
JM > Actually for lv2fil I need first prepare package pyliblo which depend on
JM > liblo.
JM > Latest version of pyliblo depend on liblo from experimental ...
JM > Is there way to force pbuilder use packages from sid and liblo from
JM > experimental?

FS > I've never tried, but there is a --distribution argument to pbuilder. I
FS > think you need to create a new chroot with experimental on it.

I get advice on debian-mentor on this
You can login into your chroot by executing
$ pbuilder --login --save-after-login --basetgz path/to/tgz
There you can configure it as in normal Debian system - using APT preferences.
I just had to add nano package to base pbuider.
Adding line EXTRAPACKAGES=nano to my /etc/pbuilderrc and update pbuilder.

works nicely



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