'standard' commands

Maia Kozheva sikon at ubuntu.com
Tue Jun 8 11:02:37 UTC 2010

08.06.2010 17:51, Jaromír Mikeš wrote:
> What is the best way to refer to 'standard' commands
> such as rm, cp, ln, install, ldconfig, etc. etc., in
> particular within an 'install' target ?
> 1. Use the full pathname (which seems to be distro-
>     dependent), or
> 2. Assume they are in the user's or the packaging
>     toolset's path, or
> 3. Use Makefile macros for all of them ?

Just my unofficial opinion: I think the ones you listed can be safely 
assumed to be on $PATH, and thus there is no need to write the full path.

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