Coordinating a track on Media and Art and Debian at debconf 10?

Reinhard Tartler siretart at
Sat May 1 18:41:07 UTC 2010

On Sun, Apr 25, 2010 at 20:21:49 (CEST), Daniel Kahn Gillmor wrote:

> Hi IOhannes, Paul, and interested folk on the debian multimedia
> packaging team,

Hey there!

> Are you interested in seeing lively discussion at debconf about
> multimedia and arts and debian?  Some of you have already submitted
> events or talks, and we wanted to know if any of you would be interested
> in coordinating a track for debconf 10 this summer about the work going
> on in this area.
> Tracks are a new idea for debconf as of DC10.  A track would
> thematically group a consecutive set of debconf events (talks, panels,
> etc) to encourage a better understanding of a broader theme.  For this
> to work, we'd like a knowledgable person about a given theme to act as
> a track coordinator.
> A coordinator would have a chance to set the tone and scope for the
> track, schedule events, assemble panels or debates, introduce
> speakers, and report back at the end of debconf to the larger
> gathering.  We also hope that a coordinator could identify potential
> good work being done in their area, encourage people to submit
> relevant events for debconf, and shepherd talks in their track through
> the submission process.
> So, are you interested in coordinating a track on media and art and
> debian for DC10?  Or do you have a suggestion for someone else who might
> do a good job on it?  You can reach me and other members of the talks
> team privately at talks at, or feel free to contact the whole
> debconf team (publicly) at debconf-team at

I'm very interested in having such an multimedia track. However, I'm not
sure if I have the required experience to drive such an track. Moreover,
I'm already hard at my time limit I can devote to debian tasks, and I'm
not sure how much time this task requires, I'd very much prefer to
assist rather than to drive such an track all alone.  In any case,
please keep me in the loop about this efford!

Reinhard Tartler, KeyID 945348A4

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