Bug#582784: patch to enable fribidi support in mplayer

Reinhard Tartler siretart at tauware.de
Sun May 23 19:54:26 UTC 2010

On Sun, May 23, 2010 at 18:01:07 (CEST), Lior Kaplan wrote:

> Checking mplayer's build logs I noticed this line:
>         Checking for fribidi with charsets ... no
> This is probably due to the an updated libfribidi package (version 0.19.2-1)
> which has dropped fribidi-config that mplayer checks for.

This has already been analyzed in ubuntu:

Ah, I see that you have noticed that yourself :-)

> I'm attaching a patch to fix the configure script. Additionally the
> following
> configure option has to be added:
> "--with-fribidi-config=/usr/bin/pkg-config"
> As libfribidi-dev is already a build dependency, no other changes are
> needed.
> Expected result:
>         Checking for fribidi with charsets ... yes

okay, now we need to get that applied upstream :-)

anyway, thanks for the patch, I'll apply it for the next upload.

Reinhard Tartler, KeyID 945348A4

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