Are libav and x264 DFSG-free now?

Alexander Reichle-Schmehl tolimar at
Tue Aug 9 13:47:34 UTC 2011

Hi Eugen!

Am 07.08.2011 23:25, schrieb Eugen Dedu:

> I am maintainer of ptlib/opal/ekiga packages and I have noticed that
> since recently some in-the-past non-free codecs (H264 for example) are
> now working since they are in debian main.
> I would like to know why libav (ffmpeg) and x264 are now found in main
> while before they were not.  Why before they were considered DFSG
> non-free, and now they are considered DFSG-free?  Has DSFG-freeness
> changed?  Have ftp-master changed their mind?  To resume: what has
> changed between a few years ago when they were NOT in main and now when
> they ARE in main?

I can't comment on whether they have or haven't been DFSG-free before,
as I haven't checked them back then. Nor can I comment why they haven't
been in Debian main.  But they are now in Debian main, because a)
someone found the time to take care about the packages and b) an
ftp-team member found the time to check, if they are distributable by
us, comply with the Debian policy and satisfy the DFSG.

Best regards,
  Alexander, on behalf of the FTP Team

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