How to set Build-Depends to provide JACK session support (was: [SCM] jnoise/master: Add JACK-session support.)

Alessio Treglia alessio at
Wed Jan 19 09:15:27 UTC 2011


> This avoids the loop more elegantly than by chasing specific versions of specific implementations all over (as you did after posting above):
>  libjack-dev (>= 0.118~) | libjack-dev,
>  libjack-dev-session
> Notice the peculiar double dependency on same package twice in first of the lines.
> The trick is that a versioned dependency is only satisfied by a real package.
> So above means "Try first to install the real package" and "the version of the package
> tried must provide session feature".

it was not the solution:

I: Installing the build-deps
 -> Attempting to parse the build-deps
 -> Considering build-depdebhelper (>= 7.0.50~)
   -> Trying to add debhelper
 -> Considering build-dep libqt4-dev
   -> Trying to add libqt4-dev
 -> Considering build-dep libtool
   -> Trying to add libtool
 -> Considering build-dep automake
   -> Trying to add automake
 -> Considering build-dep libasound2-dev
   -> Trying to add libasound2-dev
 -> Considering build-dep libjack-dev (>= 0.118~) | libjack-dev
   -> Trying to add libjack-dev
 -> Considering build-dep libjack-dev-session
   -> Trying to add libjack-dev-session
   -> Loop detected, last APT error was: ======
Reading package lists...
Building dependency tree...
Reading state information...
Package libjack-dev-session is a virtual package provided by:
E: Package 'libjack-dev-session' has no installation candidate
   -> =========================================
   -> (not adding  to libjack-dev-session)
       -> Cannot install libjack-dev-session; apt errors follow:
Reading package lists...
Building dependency tree...
Reading state information...
Package libjack-dev-session is a virtual package provided by:
E: Package 'libjack-dev-session' has no installation candidate
     -> Considering libjack-dev to satisfy the dependency

Alessio Treglia          |
Debian Developer         | alessio at
Ubuntu Core Developer    | quadrispro at
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