[RoarAudio] libavdevice53's dependency on libroar-compat1 (on debian-multimedia)

Philipp Schafft lion at lion.leolix.org
Sat Oct 1 10:53:44 UTC 2011


Last night after some researches I found out that the ffmpeg
(pkg:libavdevice53) package depend on libroar-compat1. This is because
it uses libroarsndio.1 from this package. While I consider this
perfectly correct I haven't found a changelog entry for this.

Could you please point me to the changelog entry if I just missed it on
my search or check the situation yourself if there is none?

The build depends for this libsndio-dev or libroar-dev directly
(provider of libsndio-dev). The first one must not be used if any other
component of src:roaraudio is used as well.

To the maintainers of libavdevice53 in the offical distribution:
I would kindly you to check as well if this dependency makes sense for
the package. I don't know which code within the lib uses my package nor
if it is also present in the offical distribution so I don't want to
open a possibly invalid bug report.

Thanks all of you for your work :)

PS: please keap the RoarAudio list in Cc, I will manually confirm your
mails if needed.

 (Rah of PH2)
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