d-m.o dependency tree

Fabian Greffrath fabian at greffrath.com
Thu Feb 9 15:19:35 UTC 2012

Dear team,

I have created a d-m.o dependency tree that shows all packages offered 
at d-m.o with dependencies that cannot get satisfied by packages from 
Debian sid. I do not consider it complete, but believe it shows some 
knots with packages that are commonly needed as dependencies and which 
thus deserve special attention with the goal in mind to have as many 
of d-m.o in Debian as possible.

The graph is attached to this mail in PDF format. If needed, you can 
recreate it using the recipe below [1] for any other format or package 
set. It shows some primonent knot packages, e.g.:
- transcode (pending)
- mjpegtools (contains non-free files)
- libfaac0 (contains non-free files, probably obsoletet by vo-aacenc)
- gpac (pending, in NEW)
- ogmrip (in Ubuntu, candidate!)
- libaacplus2 (probably suffers from the same non-free files as faac)
- and a whole ravel of knots around mythtv.

Hope that helps!

  - Fabian

1) Get list of packages in Debian sid and tell debtree to ignore them:
sed -n 's/Package: //gp' 
 >> ~/.debtree/skiplist
2) Add some common virtual-only packages:
echo libglu1 >> ~/.debtree/skiplist
echo libgl1 >> ~/.debtree/skiplist
echo libegl1-x11 >> ~/.debtree/skiplist
3) Add d-m.o to /etc/apt/sources.list and run 'apt-get update'
4) Get list of packages in d-m.o:
5) Run debtree over all of the d-m.o packages, filter out only 
dependencies and fix up the output file:
echo -e 'digraph "dmo" {\n\trankdir=LR;\n\tnode [shape=box];' > dmo.dot;
for p in `sed -n 's/Package: //p' Packages`; do debtree $p 
--no-alternatives --no-provides --no-versions --no-conflicts 
--max-depth=1 -q | sed -n '/\->/p' >> dmo.dot; done;
echo '}' >> dmo.dot
6) Run dot on this data set:
dot -Tpdf dmo.dot -o dmo.pdf
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