Help getting started -- trying to build csound package

Felipe Sateler fsateler at
Thu Jun 7 14:06:58 UTC 2012

On Wed, Jun 6, 2012 at 11:58 PM, Forrest Cahoon
<forrest.cahoon at> wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 6, 2012 at 8:27 AM, Felipe Sateler <fsateler at> wrote:
>> [ ... ]
>> Forrest, please update your local copy (with gbp-pull), and then try again.
> Ok, this time it worked -- mostly.  I got the repository and ran
> git-buildpackage inside the directory.  At the end of the build, it
> errored out with
> Finished running lintian.
> Now signing changes and any dsc files...
>  signfile csound_5.17.6~dfsg-3.dsc Felipe Sateler <fsateler at>
> gpg: skipped "Felipe Sateler <fsateler at>": secret key not available
> gpg: /tmp/debsign.g0FGldIA/csound_5.17.6~dfsg-3.dsc: clearsign failed:
> secret key not available
> debsign: gpg error occurred!  Aborting....
> debuild: fatal error at line 1278:
> running debsign failed
> gbp:error: Couldn't run 'debuild -i -I': debuild -i -I returned 29
> Of course, I don't have Felipe's secret key, and that's a good thing.
> The deb packages were built in the parent directory, though, and I
> installed them on my system without issue.

Yes, that is a post-build action. You can use the -us and -uc flags to
git-buildpackage to avoid signing, and thus this error.

> I think that the first thing for me to do would be to update the
> sources; upstream has a new csound5_17_11 release tag in their git
> repo.
> I've been reading lots of doc, but I'm still pretty unclear. How do I proceed?

Csound uses CDBS, which automates a lot of the tasks usually done by
maintainers (which means some docs you might have read do not apply
directly). We also use the upstream-tarball part of CDBS, which helps
in updating the upstream tarball. So, to update csound, one needs to:

1. Go to sourceforge and get the md5 sum of the new tarball. No need
to download it yet.
2. Edit debian/rules and change the md5 there for the one of the new tarball.
3. Run dch -v 1:5.17.11~dfsg-1 "Import new upstream version" . This
will update the changelog to reflect the new version
4. Run debian/rules get-orig-source

CDBS will then proceed to fetch the source, compare md5 sums,
repackage the source (because there are some files which are not quite
compliant with the DFSG) and leave a nice tarball in ../tarballs.
 If all this works, then proceed to:

5. Commit the changes in debian/rules and debian/changelog
6. Run git-import-orig ../tarballs/csound_5.17.11.dfsg.orig.gz (note
the dfsg in the name)

The tool will import the new sources into git, and merge them into the
master branch.

And now comes the non-mechanic part:
1. Check that any new files and copyrights are documented in debian/copyright
2. Check that there are no new files that violate the DFSG.
3. Adapt debian/* for any changes in upstream sources (new opcodes,
new build options, etc)
4. Test and make sure stuff works


Felipe Sateler

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