Request for upload: supercollider 3.5.2 new version

Dan S danstowell+debmm at
Sat Jun 16 11:43:07 UTC 2012

2012/6/15 Dan S <danstowell+debmm at>:
>>>>> Another option is to create a linkfarm pointing to the real mathjax sources.
>>>>> This would avoid the problem, wouldn't it?
>>>>> I think Raphael Hertzog wrote a tool precisely for this. I'm not on a
>>>>> computer now, though, so I can't search for it.
>>>> Found it
>>> Thanks - looks promising. I've edited the scripts as follows, but
>>> dh-linktree is not being invoked. Anyone know the best way to get it
>>> invoked?

OK, finally got it working!

So if someone would like to check, and consider uploading, I'd be
grateful. Thanks for your support so far!


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