libdvdcss-installer - Package to install libdvdcss

Fabian Greffrath fabian at
Mon Mar 19 08:58:33 UTC 2012

Am 18.03.2012 00:42, schrieb Andres Mejia:
> libdvdcss-installer can be found at
> Any comments/concerns?

I like the idea behind this script and as writing it was on my TODO 
list anyway, I like the fact that you actually started writing it 
first. ;)

However, I see a problem in callign "apt-get" in the 
uninstall_libdvdcss() function and then calling "libdvdcss-installer 
--remove" in the prerm script. This will run apt-get while apt-get is 
still be active and thus might lead to confusion/fail.

Furthermore, I think the first three checks in check_libdvdcss() are 
pretty redundant. We should only check if is in 
LD_LIBRARY_PATH. If it isn't there, it's invisible to the dynamic 
linker anyway.

Apart from this, good job. ;)

  - Fabiam

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