Bug#666674: Float Point Exception when playing some MP3 files

Carlos Alberto Lopez Perez clopez at igalia.com
Sat Mar 31 21:08:38 UTC 2012

On 31/03/12 22:21, Carlos Alberto Lopez Perez wrote:
> I have uploaded the files here:
> http://ftp.neutrino.es/audacious-fpe/

I have just uploaded a third file:


This file is clearly corrupted, no player is able to play it.

$ file 03_bad-file.mp3 
03_bad-file.mp3: Audio file with ID3 version 2.3.0, contains: PE32 executable (DLL) (console) Intel 80386, for MS Windows

From the file output I can deduce that perhaps it contains some windows virus or something like that

However audacious crashes if you try to play it with the same error than above (float point exception) and the same log on dmesg:

audacious[12632] trap divide error ip:7fa383e85ca2 sp:7fa387e15b70 error:0 in madplug.so[7fa383e84000+4000]

Despite the file being corrupted or not, audadious should not crash, but instead just skip to the next song.


Carlos Alberto Lopez Perez                           http://neutrino.es
Igalia - Free Software Engineering                http://www.igalia.com

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