clxclient bug --- was Bug report on zita-rev1: zita-rev1 crashes with exit status 139

Robin Gareus robin at
Sat Jun 29 16:00:02 UTC 2013

Just to keep you guys in the loop:

 - The bug is not critical.
 - it's a bug in libclxclient - not zita-rev1
 - it only occurs if the app cannot connect to X11
 - other zita-* apps that use libclxclient are affected, too
 - fix exists -- will be in next release

@Mira: IMHO this does not warrant a dedicated patch in the debian
package, enjoy your holidays and wait for the upstream release..



excerpt from off-list communication with upstream (CCed).

>>>> If zita-rev1 cannot connext to a X-server it segfaults.
>>>> The problem is actually in libclxclient-3.6.1,

>>> Thanks. A well-known problem. clxclient is due for replacement
>>> within half a year or so along with clthreads. Both are > 15
>>> years old by now and so they don't get much attention...

>> Will the new libs be a drop-in replacement? If not, the old libs should
>> be maintained until most distributions no longer ship them; at least IMHO.

> The new ones won't be source compatible, but OTOH porting apps to
> them should be easy enough. When the new libs are released all my
> apps will be updated to use them, and the whole libcl***** series
> will be deprecated and frozen but still available for some time.
> Same as the current situation with clalsadrv which is replaced by
> zita-alsa-pcmi.
> Your patch will be included in the next update of clxclient of course.

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