Sponsorship/Review for package "karlyriceditor"

Andreas Cadhalpun andreas.cadhalpun at googlemail.com
Wed May 21 22:14:02 UTC 2014

Hi Martin,

On 21.05.2014 23:27, Martin Steghöfer wrote:
> Thanks for the information!

You're welcome. :)

> I had already put some effort in porting
> karlyriceditor to Libav (compilation problems, crashes,...), finally it
> worked fine with the previous version of Libav, but broke with the
> update of Libav. I didn't know that FFmpeg was going to come back to
> Debian, I understood from the announcements that it was too difficult to
> have both Libav and FFmpeg in Debian.

It may seem like that, since they both provide libraries with identical 
names. But in the end, its as easy as adding '-ffmpeg' to the FFmpeg 
library names, while not changing the pkg-config file names.
That way projects can use pkg-config to determine the correct library names.
As karlyriceditor uses pkg-config to determine the FFmpeg linker flags, 
it works just out of the box.

> For now I just patched my package
> up a little more for the current compilation problems with Libav10.
> Whenever FFmpeg is back, we can drop those patches and use FFmpeg.

FFmpeg will be back as soon as the ftp-masters find the time to accept 
it into the archive.

Best regards,

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