Select provider of libav* libraries

Sebastian Ramacher sramacher at
Mon Jun 1 15:18:31 UTC 2015

On 2015-05-31 13:21:07, Andreas Cadhalpun wrote:
> > I'd rather keep the packaging of the package that is currently called
> > "libav", because on many architectures, it compiles multiple "flavors"
> > with hardware optimized flavors (on i386 for instance, there is a
> > flavor without latest SEE, etc).
> I had considered producing optimized flavors, but I came to the conclusion
> that it would complicate debian/rules without much benefit, because
> the flavors are mostly unnecessary:
>  * On i386 all the SSE etc. optimizations are guarded by runtime
>    CPU detection, so that even when compiled with SSE the libraries work
>    fine on CPUs without SSE.
>    The only optimization were this doesn't apply are the i686 optimizations,
>    which currently amount to a dozen assembler lines. So I don't think
>    this justifies shipping two flavors.

Besides some assembler lines, the i686 optimized build also allows the compiler
to use cmov instructions. Would ffmpeg benefit from using them?

Sebastian Ramacher
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