Select provider of libav* libraries

Fabian Greffrath fabian at
Sun Jun 7 12:39:06 UTC 2015

Hi Andreas,

Am Samstag, den 06.06.2015, 21:29 +0200 schrieb Andreas Cadhalpun: 
> Maybe we could even find a reasonable way to implement this in a dh7-style
> debian/rules file without doubling the build-time.

yes, most probably. I do strongly believe that it is not necessary to
clean the source and rebuild *everything* from scratch because of the
additional codecs. I am sure it would be sufficient to back up the
regular built library and merely call ./configure and make again with
the extra rules to build the extra variant.

BTW, we are not talking about a single AMR encoder here:

$ LANG=C apt-cache show libavcodec-extra-56 
 This package is a replacement for the regular libavcodec56 library package;
 it contains the following additional codecs:
  * OpenCORE Adaptive Multi-Rate (AMR) Narrow-Band (Encoder/Decoder)
  * OpenCORE Adaptive Multi-Rate (AMR) Wide-Band (Decoder)
  * Android VisualOn AAC (Encoder)
  * Android VisualOn Adaptive Multi-Rate (AMR) Wide-Band (Encoder)

So, please do not play down the importance of this additional package!


- Fabian

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