plans for Audacity updates in Jessie

Ross Gammon ross at
Thu Jun 18 17:14:04 UTC 2015

Hi Dave,

On 06/17/2015 10:08 PM, david avery wrote:
> what is the plan for any updates to the Jessie tree for Audacity now
> that 2.1.0 is out and 2.1.1 is in RC state?

It is normally Benjamin Drung that takes care of the Audacity uploads.
But if he is too busy, I would consider helping out after my holidays.

Regarding Jessie in general, only targeted fixes for serious bugs will
be accepted now. If there is sufficient interest and someone willing to
do it, the backport of a newer release that has been uploaded to
unstable (sid) is possible.

> Audacity plans on releases every 3 months. does Debian plan on
> back-releasing or waiting for the next debian stable release?
> dave

As you know, the biggest problem with Audacity and Debian at the moment
is wxWidgets. Audacity are not supporting wx3 yet (in 2.1.0, or the
coming 2.1.1), and Debian no longer has wx2 in the archive. Martin
Steghöfer provided several patches to get 2.0.6 going, but Audacity are
aware of gui issues with this version. I think I read that they plan to
follow the wx3.1 development series with a target of switching to wx3
when wx3.2 is released. I do not know what the Debian wxWidgets
Maintainers plan for future releases.

I believe Martin's patches have been incorporated in the latest Audacity
release (but not checked). As it sounds like further patching might be
required to improve the user experience with wx3.0, it may not be a good
idea to package Audacity 2.1.0 or 2.1.1, and wait until Audacity is
using a version of wx3 that is in Debian? Do you have any thoughts on this?



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