Select provider of libav* libraries

Andreas Cadhalpun andreas.cadhalpun at
Sun Jun 21 20:18:29 UTC 2015

On 21.06.2015 22:09, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
> Quoting Andreas Cadhalpun (2015-06-21 14:24:43)
>> Well, I have no intention of maintaining a pre-dh7-style debian/rules 
>> file. That pretty much settles the question for me.
> Then use a post-dh-style debian/rules file instead, as done with libav.

That doesn't make any difference.

> Embedding negative connotations rarely help in discussions.

This has nothing to do with connotations. The problem is that libav's
debian/rules file contains a lot of boilerplate and is rather complex.
Thus it is hard to maintain.

Best regards,

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