Call for uploaders (was: orphaning packages)

Alessio Treglia alessio at
Tue Feb 16 20:44:24 UTC 2016


As follow-up of the discussion aforementioned, I'm writing down here a
list of packages that I am no longer interested, though still listed
as the sole Uploader in debian/control:

 - autotalent [good shape, upstream inactive, not much work required]
 - dvdwizard [good shape, upstream inactive, not much work required]
 - fomp [good shape, upstream inactive, not much work required]
 - gscanbus [good shape, upstream inactive, not much work required]
 - libdvbcsa [good shape, upstream inactive, not much work required]
 - libshout-idjc [good shape, upstream inactive, not much work required]
 - lv2proc [good shape, new upstream release available although NASPRO
upstream seems generally inactive, not much work required]
 - lv2vocoder [good shape, upstream inactive, not much work required]
 - m2vrequantiser [good shape, upstream inactive, not much work required]
 - mudita24 [good shape, upstream inactive, not much work required]
 - pugl [good shape, active upstream]
 - silan [good shape, upstream inactive, should cherry-pick this commit [1]]
 - sndobj [good shape, upstream inactive, need to package new upstream release]
 - videotrans [good shape, upstream inactive, not much work required]
 - volti [good shape, upstream inactive, not much work required]
 - xcfa [good shape, upstream inactive, not much work required]

If you want to adopt some of them, please speak up!
I'll start filing O: bugs in the weekend.



Alessio Treglia          |
Debian Developer         |     alessio at
Ubuntu Core Developer    |  quadrispro at
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