[debian-mysql] Additional packages in the pkg-mysql svn repo?

Norbert Tretkowski norbert at tretkowski.de
Mon Nov 5 14:16:37 UTC 2007

Am Montag, den 05.11.2007, 15:06 +0100 schrieb Christian Hammers:
> On Mon, 05 Nov 2007 14:35:49 +0100
> Norbert Tretkowski <norbert at tretkowski.de> wrote:
> > I'm maintaining mysql-proxy and mylvmbackup, and I wonder if I could add
> > these to the pkg-mysql svn repository?
> We already include innotop and mysqlreport in the mysql-client package so
> one could add them.

Ah, good to know... I talked to Baron Schwartz (upstream of innotop and
mysqltoolkit) last week, sponsored his mysqltoolkit upload, and wanted
to sponsor his innotop package as well. He wasn't aware that the innotop
package is already included in the mysql-client package.

But I don't know if it's really a good idea to put all these packages
together in one single source package. Would be the opposite of what was
done with the X.org packages a while ago.

> As there are a lot of other small utilities for mysql
> out there one could also think about creating a new mysql-tools
> package so that in the case of e.g. a security bug in mysql-proxy the
> mysql-servers do not need to be updated.

I wasn't talking about adding mysql-proxy to the mysql-server package, I
wanted to keep it a separate source package, but maintained within the
mysql svn repository.


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