[debian-mysql] Bug#334517: mysql-client-4.1: mysqldumpslow is looking for '/var/lib/mysql/*-slow.log'

Chris Lamb lamby at debian.org
Wed Nov 12 00:43:07 UTC 2008

unarchive 334517
reassign 334517 mysql-client-5.0
found 334517 5.0.51a-12

This seems to have returned:

 % mysqldumpslow
 Can't find '/var/lib/mysql/*-slow.log'

 % dpkg -S =mysqldumpslow
 mysql-client-5.0: /usr/bin/mysqldumpslow

 % dpkg -l mysql-client-5.0 | tail -n1
 ii  mysql-client-5.0     5.0.51a-12     MySQL database client binaries

Also reproducible in 5.0.67-1. Would be great if this was fixed for


     : :'  :     Chris Lamb
     `. `'`      lamby at debian.org
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