[debian-mysql] Bug#381055: Bug#381055: libmysqld.a is broken and shouldn't be released

Norbert Tretkowski norbert at tretkowski.de
Thu Sep 25 08:57:21 UTC 2008

Am Donnerstag, den 25.09.2008, 10:54 +0200 schrieb Andreas Pakulat:
> On 25.09.08 10:44:52, Norbert Tretkowski wrote:
> > The fix is part of 5.0.48, lenny is not affected by this bug.
> Where's the changelog entry? Whats the fix? I'm using the unstable
> packages here and linking against libmysqld.a doesn't work. Or is the
> fix to also link against other libraries? If so, which ones?

Are you sure the bug from the MySQL bug tracking system you mentioned is
the right one?


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