[debian-mysql] Bug#809022: TODO: Add autopkg tests to detect changes introduced by other uploaded packages

Otto Kekäläinen otto at seravo.fi
Sat Dec 26 09:11:06 UTC 2015

Package: mariadb-10.0
Severity: wishlist

This is a TODO item for MariaDB packaging. Feel free to start working
on it if you want to contrbute to Debian and MariaDB.

Task: Add autopkg tests to detect changes introduced by other uploaded

1. Read up on http://ci.debian.net/doc/

2. Fork https://github.com/ottok/mariadb-10.0 and in your copy of the
master branch create directory debian/tests

3a. Create similar files as
and control

3b. Alternatively take a look at

4. Make sure the autopkg tests work using local or other testing

5. Submit as pull request

You can also work directly on
http://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-mysql/mariadb-10.0.git if you have
access to it, or send patches via email or whatever you feel like. Using
https://github.com/ottok/mariadb-10.0 is not required.

Here is some general docs about how to contribute to MariaDB packaging in

All contributions are wery welcome and I promise to review and reply
quickly to all incoming contributions!

- Otto
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