[debian-mysql] Possible Co-operation

Jean Philippe eacj at eacj.org
Wed Aug 3 22:15:53 UTC 2016

Dear Sir,
 My name is Jean Philippe from Corfco Group (PTY) Ltd a company in South Africa mainly deals with importation of building and construction materials and we are interested in your products. 
 We visited your country sometime last year, we sincerely hope to establish a long term business relationship with your Esteemed Corporation. 
 Kindly send us your catalog and inform us about the Minimum Order Quantity, Delivery time and Payment terms. Please send your reply to my email:  corfco.groups at gmail.com
 Your early reply is highly appreciated.
 Thanks and best regards,
 Jean Philippe 
 Purchasing Manager,
 Corfco Group (PTY) Ltd
 10 Senna Rd, Killarney Gardens
 Cape Town.
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