[debian-mysql] Bug#865093: stretch-pu review: package mariadb-10.1/10.1.24-0+deb9u1

Adam D. Barratt adam at adam-barratt.org.uk
Sat Jul 15 12:52:32 UTC 2017

Control: tags -1 + moreinfo

On Fri, 2017-07-14 at 22:56 +0100, Ian Jackson wrote:
> I looked at this request.
> tl/dr: it contains undiscussed upstream changes and I think it should
> be referred back to the submitter for more information.
> I had some difficulty figuring out what was going on because the pu
> bug didn't contain an explanation of the changes in the upstream parts
> of the package.  To clarify: the proposal is to upgrade from
> 10.1_10.1.23-9+deb9u1 to this 10.1.24-0+deb9u1.
> I wasn't able to find the upstream changelog in the source package.
> Admittedly I didn't look very hard - I eyeballed the source package.
> There doesn't seem to be any discussion from the proponent to explain
> what the upstream changes are and why (or whether) they are desirable.

The original request never appears to have made it to -release,
presumably due to the size of the attachments.

Ondřej, you indicated that "the upstream release fixes two high priority
regressions" - would it be possible to confirm / document what those



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