[Pkg-nagios-devel] Re: Nagios2

Benoit Mortier benoit.mortier@opensides.be
Tue, 22 Feb 2005 18:30:18 +0100

Le Mardi 22 F=E9vrier 2005 16:52, Yann DIRSON a =E9crit=A0:

>  >> Did you plan to create an nagios Pakage with Nagios2 ?
>  >
>  >yes, but with an emphasis on "plan".  with sarge so close and nagios 2
>  >
>  >not yet officially released, it probably won't make it in time for
> sarge.
>  >so, our priorities are to get the package that will be in sarge into as
>  >
>  >good shape as possible first.
> Since there are configuration incompatibilities, don't you think it would
> make sense to make a distinct nagios2 package ?
> That would prevent disrupting 1.x users, and would allow for more
> exposure of the 2.0 betas.
> And additionally, it would allow me to used a real packaged version of
> 2.0, since 1.x is not sufficient for my needs ;)

Yes i am all for a separated package for nagios 2.0

Benoit Mortier
Linux Engineer