[Pkg-nagios-devel] Nagios 1/2 vs. Nagios 3

Sven Velt sven at velt.de
Wed Oct 24 07:38:34 UTC 2007


On 2007-10-11 and -12 at the "NETWAYS Nagios Konferenz" in Nürnberg,
Germany Ethan told us that he tries hard to release Nagios 3 in
December. Yes, 2007 ;-)

He put other project on hold to realize this. I'm not sure (as sure as
Ethan is) that it will happen in December but hey! No hope, no release!

IIRC we were told that we can have only two versions of Nagios in
Debian. So we should start thinking about when/if we will drop one out
of Nagios 1 or 2.

IMHO we should drop version 1 because it's the older one. But OTOH it's
easier to migrate from 2 to 3 than from 1 to 2...

What do you think?



PS: Nagios 3 for Etch - needs more testers: 

Leukämie     -> http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leuk%C3%A4mie
Heilung      -> http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knochenmark#Knochenmarkspende
Typisierung  -> http://www.knochenmarkspende.de/html/reg_akb.php
Warum&Fragen -> sven at velt.de

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