[Pkg-nagios-devel] Nagios 3 packaging coming soon

Alexander Wirt formorer at formorer.de
Fri Feb 8 12:10:01 UTC 2008

Hi folks, 

I don't know if you detected it, but Joerg was so kind to add me to the
nagios team. Since I really look forward to Nagios 3 (so many nice and cool
features) I plan to upload Nagios 3 packages to unstable soon (but with an rc
bug to prevent testing migration until 3.0 got released) if nobody has
objections. I started packaging based on the last nagios2 packages
yesterday and already have working packages which only need some finetuning
until they can be uploaded. I hope nobody has any objections that I started
to work on the packages and I really look forward to be part of the Nagios
team. An inital version of Nagios 3 will get checked in this evening so
everybody can play with it!


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