[Pkg-nagios-devel] Question about nagios3 package

Alexander Wirt formorer at debian.org
Wed Mar 19 17:52:53 UTC 2008

MICHALLON Joris schrieb am Wednesday, den 19. March 2008:

> Hi,
> I run nagios 1.3 on an old debian and I'm in charge of the migration of 
> this product on the latest release.
> I'd like to know if there's a release date fixed for the package nagios3 
> on etch or if I have to use nagios2  instead and wait for lenny...
There will never be a nagios3 in etch, that is something I can promise for
sure. We plan to provide nagios3 packages in backports (www.backports.org)
after our Nagios3 packages will reach testing. I plan to upload the final
nagios3 packages at the weekend where rc2 packages are still available in
Lenny and Unstable. 

Alex with his Nagios3 Debian Maintainer Hat on

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