[Pkg-nagios-devel] icinga-web_1.7.1-3_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable

Debian FTP Masters ftpmaster at ftp-master.debian.org
Wed Aug 1 19:17:12 UTC 2012

  to main/i/icinga-web/icinga-web-pnp_1.7.1-3_all.deb
  to main/i/icinga-web/icinga-web_1.7.1-3.debian.tar.gz
  to main/i/icinga-web/icinga-web_1.7.1-3.dsc
  to main/i/icinga-web/icinga-web_1.7.1-3_all.deb

icinga-web (1.7.1-3) unstable; urgency=low
  [ language updates by the languages teams ]
  * [b32e4c0] Debconf templates and debian/control reviewed by the
              debian-l10n-english team as part of the Smith review
              project. Closes: #677843
  * [79894b9] Debconf translation updates
    * Spanish; (Jathan).  Closes: #679598, #680319
    * Danish (Joe Hansen).  Closes: #679609
    * Russian (Yuri Kozlov).  Closes: #679610
    * Czech (Michal Simunek).  Closes: #679702
    * Slovak (Ivan Masár).  Closes: #679807
    * Portuguese (Pedro Ribeiro).  Closes: #680127
    * French (Steve Petruzzello).  Closes: #680338
    * German (Martin Eberhard Schauer).  Closes: #680501
    * Polish (Michał Kułach).  Closes: #680525
    * Swedish (Martin Bagge / brother).  Closes: #680559
    * Italian (Beatrice Torracca).  Closes: #680570
    * Spanish; (Jonathan Bustillos).  Closes: #680575
  * Big thanks to the language teams!

Override entries for your package:
icinga-web-pnp_1.7.1-3_all.deb - extra php
icinga-web_1.7.1-3.dsc - source php
icinga-web_1.7.1-3_all.deb - extra php

Announcing to debian-devel-changes at lists.debian.org
Closing bugs: 677843 679598 679609 679610 679702 679807 680127 680319 680338 680501 680525 680559 680570 680575 

Thank you for your contribution to Debian.

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