[Pkg-nagios-devel] Bug#867256: Bug#867256: monitoring-plugins-basic: fails to install: Error: The new file apt.cfg does not exist!

Jan Wagner waja at cyconet.org
Tue Jul 11 06:49:49 UTC 2017

Hi Andreas,

Am 10.07.2017 um 20:52 schrieb Andreas Beckmann:
> Looking at my logs, the problem was only reproducible in sid at the time
> I filed the bug, but now it also happens in buster.

Unfortunately this wasn't obvious from your bugreport and I tested with

> OK, let me debug a bit more after the failure occurred
> # sed -i '2iset -x' /var/lib/dpkg/info/monitoring-plugins-basic.postinst
> # dpkg --configure --pending
> Setting up monitoring-plugins-basic (2.2-3) ...
> + set -e
> + templdir=/usr/share/monitoring-plugins/templates-basic
> + . /usr/share/monitoring-plugins/dpkg/functions
> + npconfdir=/etc/nagios-plugins/config
> + plugindir=/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/
> + [ configure = configure ]
> + register_cfgs
> + cd /usr/share/monitoring-plugins/templates-basic
> + dest=/etc/nagios-plugins/config/apt.cfg
> + ucf apt.cfg /etc/nagios-plugins/config/apt.cfg
> Error: The new file apt.cfg does not exist!
> dpkg: error processing package monitoring-plugins-basic (--configure):
>  subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1
> Errors were encountered while processing:
>  monitoring-plugins-basic
> extending the error message in ucf to also print $(pwd), reveals that
> the current directory of the process is /, which leads us to

Thanks for tracing this down.

> debconf (1.5.62) unstable; urgency=medium
> ...
>   * Change directory to / before executing maintainer scripts (closes:
>     #608648).
> ...

root at 68e9dcd89c70:/# dpkg -l | grep debconf
ii  debconf                   1.5.61               all          Debian
configuration management system

So this explains why this was not reproducible. I tested this on
stretch, as the reported version is also in stretch.

It would be good to state on which release your problem exists, as one
package version can live on more then one. This would save time and
resources on all sides.

> So address your configuration files with absolute paths.

I'll prepare a fix and upload it to the VCS.

Many thanks, Jan.
Never write mail to <waja at spamfalle.info>, you have been warned!
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