<div style="border: solid 1px #cccccc; width:448px; background-color:white; margin:10px 0px;";><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width="448"><tr><td class=tablot background="http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/us/pim/gr/gr_announce_1.gif" valign=center height=57><big style="padding:10px;">¡Tengo nueva dirección de correo electrónico!</big></td></tr></table><div style="padding:10px;">Ahora podés escribirme a: <b>stella_savimbi3006@yahoo.com.ar</b><br><br><span style="color:green;">Good Day<br><br>I got your contact through an email directory and decided to contact <br><br>you for assistance. I am the daughter of Jonas Savimbi, the rebel <br><br>leader in Angola who was shot dead on the 25th of February 2002, by the <br><br>opposing Angolan Army. Before the death of my father, he deposited the <br><br>sum of eight million nine hundred thousand dollars ($8,900,000.00) in a <br><br>finance/security company abroad. My father handed all the legal <br><br>documents for the deposit to the family attorney (Dr.Carlos Pedro) in <br><br>trust and for safe keeping for the family. Also, after the death of my <br><br>father, my family and<br><br>I fled to Nigeria-West Africa where we are currently living, before <br><br>that, take a look at this<br><br>http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/world/africa/newsid_1839000/1839252.st<br><br>m<br><br>So, we want you to help us make claims of this fund ($8.9M) from the <br><br>Finance/security company abroad as you standing as my family <br><br>beneficiary and transfer the money to your nominate account or any <br><br>account of your choice for that matter before I and my family can get <br><br>Visas to fly down to your country for mutual sharing of the money. My <br><br>family has agree to give you 30% for your<br><br>anticipated assistance and 60% would be for us (my family) and the <br><br>remaining 10%would be set aside for any expenses that we may incure <br><br>during the course of this transaction. My family share of 60% would be <br><br>invested in your country in any profitable business proposed by you. We <br><br>have never met, but I want to trust you and please do not let my family <br><br>down by sitting on this money when it finally gets into your account. <br><br>Please, treat this as Confidential and reply to<br><br>stella_savimbi300@yahoo.ie <br><br>Best Regards,<br><br>Miss.Stella Savimbi</span><br><br>- <span style="color:green;">STELLA SAVIMBI</span></div></div>