[Pkg-netatalk-devel] Bug#685878: Bug#685878: Another year has passed, still no netatalk3

Bernd Zeimetz bernd at bzed.de
Sun Nov 1 16:22:09 UTC 2015

On 10/26/2015 11:30 PM, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:

> I believe that is because noone in the Netatalk team has found time
> yet to report the issue upstream.

@Adrian: please update debian/copyright in your github tree and check
if there are still problems in the code. if so please report them
upstream. if not I guess jonas should be able to upload it asap.

 Bernd Zeimetz                            Debian GNU/Linux Developer
 http://bzed.de                                http://www.debian.org
 GPG Fingerprint: ECA1 E3F2 8E11 2432 D485  DD95 EB36 171A 6FF9 435F

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