[pkg-ntp-maintainers] Bug#683061: bug report #683061

Thomas Hood jdthood at gmail.com
Sun Jun 30 20:53:16 UTC 2013

getaddrinfo() returns -11 with errno 2 (EAI_SYSTEM with errno ENOENT)
both when no nameserver can be reached and when the domain name does not
exist. So if you want to behave differently in these two cases you can't do
so based solely on the returned status of getaddrinfo().

Hypothesis: ntpd handles -11/2 as meaning NXDOMAIN and treats this as a
permanent error whereas -11/2 could also mean that no nameservers could be
reached which should not be treated as a permanent error.

What I would suggest is that both no-nameservers-are-reachable and NXDOMAIN
be treated as non-permanent errors. That a domain name does not now exist
does not entail that it never will exist. And then there is no need to
distinguish the two cases.
Thomas Hood
P.S. I got to this bug report from here:
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