[pkg-nvidia-devel] Patch to make 169.12 compile on XEN enabled kernels

Lennart Sorensen lsorense at csclub.uwaterloo.ca
Wed May 21 21:21:26 UTC 2008

On Wed, May 21, 2008 at 02:17:40PM -0700, Randall Donald wrote:
> Sweet. Did you find this or make it yourself?

After a small hint from the kernel team I made it myself.  So far it
works for both 169.12 and 173.08 on 2.6.25-2-686.

The hint was that CONFIG_XEN only adds stuff, and takes nothing away, so
there should be no reason for it to not work.  So I removed all the
checks and conditions for CONFIG_XEN since it should hence have no
reason to care, and so far so good.

Apparently nvidia thought the CONFIG_XEN implied you were running as a
guest and tried to add code to deal with that, but not yet to a working
state.  It doesn't have to mean that though, so simply removing the code
that tried to deal with a XEN guest environment made it compile.

Len Sorensen

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