[pkg-nvidia-devel] Send emails directly to dentists

Brice jesse CliftonAraceli at sjs1228.com
Thu May 28 14:54:31 UTC 2009

Here are some of the USA contact databases we have for sale:

Alternative Medicine
Nursing Homes
Pharmaceutical Companies
Physical Therapists
Massage Therapists
Medical Equipment Suppliers
Mental Health Counselors
Visiting Nurses & RN's

Each list has many different fields including phone, fax, postal address, email and much more. I can give you any 3 of the above for $299. Email me at Stacie at medexecdata.com.

To stop future email correspondence please send a blank email to rembox at medexecdata.com

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If you are not the intended recipient of this e-mail message, any use, distribution or copying of the message is prohibited.  If you have received this message in error, please let me know immediately by return e-mail, then delete the e-mail. Thank You.

Eclipse Petroleum Technology Limited
Registered Number: 3845645
Registered Office: 1 Bedford Street, London WC2E 9HG, United Kingdom.

Website: http://www.eclipsepetrotech.com

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