[pkg-nvidia-devel] debian stable + nvidia driver

Andreas Beckmann debian at abeckmann.de
Wed Jun 9 12:34:12 UTC 2010

Mathieu Malaterre wrote:

>   I then tried to compile the nvidia-graphics-drivers on my amd64,
Which version?

> since it now requires ia32-libs  (>= 20090804) [amd64]. I do not care
> about any ia32 stuff, so I simply remove all references to ia32 from
> the debian/control file and then compiled it by hand:

I just tried to compile 195.36.24-3 (not released yet, from svn trunk)
in lenny+backports by disabling all *-ia32 packages and their
Build-Depends, but got stuck here:

Depends: debhelper (>= 7.4.16~)

According to apt-cache, these versions are available:
     7.4.11~bpo50+1 0
     7.0.15 0

So unless someone updates the debhelper backport in lenny, I'm not
continuing on this road.

Is your card supported by the 173.14.25 driver release? Eventually we
could get a new release of the 173.14.* series into lenny-backports,
this would still use the old packaging scripts, so should be less

That at least seems to be compilable - Randall what do you think about
updating backports?


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