[pkg-nvidia-devel] [patch 195xx] [15/k] make nvidia-libvdpau* transitional packages

Andreas Beckmann debian at abeckmann.de
Sat May 15 14:21:19 UTC 2010

I just confirmed that libvdpau.so.1 from nvidia-libvdpau1 still searches
in /usr/lib instead of /usr/lib/vdpau and no longer finds
libvdpau_nvidia.so.1 (#581570). Therefore I highly recommend that we get
rid of the additional non-free variant of the vdpau wrapper library
instead of re-adding compatibility symlinks. This will need some
cooperation with the libvdpau source package because we need to
introduce some properly versioned conflicts/replaces. Also the
lib32vdpau1 package still needs to be introduced to make
nvidia-vdpau-driver-ia32 usable.

 * make nvidia-libvdpau* transitional packages that pull libvdpau*
   instead, no need to have a non-free variant of the wrapper library
   that uses a different search path and would require additional
   compatibility symlinks (closes: #581570, #561108, #570390, #578881)

In addition to the patch, all debian/nvidia-libvdpau* control files need
to be removed.

Comments please.

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