[pkg-nvidia-devel] n-g-d 195.36.31-3

Andreas Beckmann debian at abeckmann.de
Thu Sep 2 18:59:51 UTC 2010

On 2010-09-02 01:01, Russ Allbery wrote:
> I'll get this uploaded today, and then try to work through the rest of the

This time the way through NEW was quick :-) so there is one more thing
to add to the front of your TODO list:

* amd64 binary only upload of nvidia-graphics-drivers (195.36.31-3)
  -- this time we should be able to avoid NEW :-)

> to-do list as soon as I can.  I'm sorry I've been slow on this all lately;
> there's lots going on right now with my day job.

nvidia-graphics-drivers-legacy-173xx (173.14.27-1) is ready for upload,
it needs to go through NEW, so upload amd64 first

nvidia-graphics-drivers (256.53-1) should be ready for upload to
experimental (I haven't ran the full upgrading testsuite, yet, and I
also didn't try the driver on a real machine, yet). Since it does not go
through NEW, both i386 and amd64 should be uploaded at the same time.
In the repository it's in trunk/../branches/256.xx-experimental


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