RFS: nvidia-cg-toolkit (updated package)

Miguel Colon debian.micove at gmail.com
Tue Feb 21 22:00:45 UTC 2012

>> * I just created a github account "micove". Should I fork it and send
>> pull request or do I get write access?
> Fork it using the github interface and send a pull request via email.

Since it was mentioned in the other area about the pkg-nvidia git
area, should I still fork and send pull emails? Having 3-4 repos
sounds more tedious/complicated.

>> Oh I did not know I could change their manpages. I thought I had to
>> rewrite the whole thing based on the reference manual to be able to
>> modify them. Glad I was wrong.
>  No Modification.  The SOFTWARE may be redistributed providing that
>  distributed Cg compiler and runtime binaries are unmodified, except
>  for decompression and compression.
> I don't consider text files as "binaries".

Oh I was just taking a super conservative approach since they wrote
all the info in the man pages and worded it their way so I was taking
a better safe than sorry approach.

I forgot to ask about this. In the copyright file I had

Files: debian/man/*
Copyright: 2004-2012 NVIDIA Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
License: NVIDIA-cg-toolkit

That is correct even after modification? Obviously I'm not an expert
in copyrights and licenses. Heh.

I will probably move them back to
Files: debian/*.1


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