[Pkg-octave-commit] [SCM] Debian packaging for octave-pkg-dev branch, experimental, updated. debian/1.0.3-2-gb19ea3d

Rafael Laboissiere rafael at laboissiere.net
Fri Mar 1 07:12:39 UTC 2013

The following commit has been merged in the experimental branch:
commit b19ea3de15c35f7423d63f052936a5da3ef5ea65
Author: Rafael Laboissiere <rafael at laboissiere.net>
Date:   Fri Mar 1 08:10:12 2013 +0100

    Fix some typos and wording in comments and man page

diff --git a/make-octave-forge-debpkg.in b/make-octave-forge-debpkg.in
index be0cf52..702bc7b 100755
--- a/make-octave-forge-debpkg.in
+++ b/make-octave-forge-debpkg.in
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ version of a Debian package for an Octave-Forge package. The command should
 be launched from the top directory of the unpacked sources of an
 Octave-Forge packages.  A file called DESCRIPTION must be present, from
 which the informations about the package is gathered.  The following files
-are generated, with sensible contents, but needing further editing:
+are generated with sensible contents, although they need further editing:
@@ -99,17 +99,17 @@ sub croak ($) {
 my %pkgdata;
 ### Check whether a given field exists in the DESCRIPTION file and exit the
-### program with an error message, in the case the field doe snot exist
+### program with an error message, in the case the field does not exist
 sub check ($) {
     my $field = shift;
     exists $pkgdata{$field} or croak "$field not found in DESCRIPTION";
-### File DESCRIPTION is not here.  Yell loudly.
+### File DESCRIPTION is not present.  Yell loudly.
 -f "DESCRIPTION" or croak "File DESCRIPTION not found";
-### REad the fields present in the DESCRIPTION file
+### Read the fields present in the DESCRIPTION file
 open (FID, "< DESCRIPTION");
 /([^:]+): (.*)/ and $pkgdata{$1} = $2 while (<FID>);
 close FID;
@@ -122,11 +122,11 @@ my $version = $pkgdata{Version};
 check ("Description");
 my $description = $pkgdata{Description};
-### Decide on the pacakge Architecture based on the presence of the src/
+### Decide on the package's Architecture based on the presence of the src/
 ### directory, which typically contains C++ files to be compiled.
 my $architecture = -d "src" ? "any" : "all";
-### Create the debian directory, if it does not exist.
+### Create the debian/ directory, if it does not exist.
 -d "debian" or mkdir "debian";
 ### Create the debian/compat file.

Debian packaging for octave-pkg-dev

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