[Pkg-octave-commit] [octave-splines] 01/03: Merge tag 'upstream/1.3.0'

Sébastien Villemot sebastien at debian.org
Sat May 28 15:29:07 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

sebastien pushed a commit to branch master
in repository octave-splines.

commit 869b8329c2e454b6981093669598357ecf6e613a
Merge: bf0c2df cac9a13
Author: Sébastien Villemot <sebastien at debian.org>
Date:   Sat May 28 17:19:53 2016 +0200

    Merge tag 'upstream/1.3.0'
    Upstream version 1.3.0

 CITATION           |  0
 COPYING            |  0
 DESCRIPTION        |  4 +--
 INDEX              |  0
 Makefile           | 90 ------------------------------------------------------
 NEWS               |  6 ++++
 inst/bin_values.m  |  0
 inst/catmullrom.m  |  0
 inst/csape.m       | 36 +++++++++++++---------
 inst/csapi.m       |  0
 inst/csaps.m       | 29 ++++++++++--------
 inst/csaps_sel.m   |  0
 inst/dedup.m       |  0
 inst/fnder.m       |  0
 inst/fnplt.m       |  0
 inst/fnval.m       |  0
 inst/tpaps.m       |  0
 inst/tps_val.m     |  2 +-
 inst/tps_val_der.m |  0
 19 files changed, 47 insertions(+), 120 deletions(-)

Alioth's /home/groups/pkg-octave/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-octave/octave-splines.git

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