Bug#383149: [Pkg-octave-devel] Bug#383149: Found the cause.

Thomas Weber thomas.weber.mail at gmail.com
Thu Aug 17 15:08:00 UTC 2006


Am Donnerstag, den 17.08.2006, 21:53 +1000 schrieb John Dalton:
> Is it correct that existing values in the shell environment should 
> override the default values within mkoctfile?  

Probably yes; without this, you couldn't override (easily) mkoctfile's

The ${} construct only sets a variable if it's unset; the leading colon
(:) is necessary, because without it bash tries to execute the commands,
ie it executes /bin/sed in 

> I don't really understand what
> : ${variable="value"}
> is doing.  Can someone please explain it to me?


Search for "provide" (there are two hits in the same place; the first
one is the case her).


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