Bug#373965: [Pkg-octave-devel] Bug#373965: error: `LOADPATH' undefined

Kim Hansen kimhanse at gmail.com
Fri Jun 16 22:22:20 UTC 2006

On 6/16/06, John W. Eaton <jwe at bevo.che.wisc.edu> wrote:
> On 16-Jun-2006, Kim Hansen wrote:
> | error: `LOADPATH' undefined near line 10 column 51
> | error: evaluating assignment expression near line 10, column 10
> | error: near line 10 of file `/usr/share/octave/2.9.6/m/startup/octaverc'
> | octave:1>
> | kim at kanon:~$
> This is not a bug, but a change in functionality.  In 2.9 (a
> development version leading to 3.0, which will be a major new release
> with some backward-incompatible changes) all the built-in variables
> have been removed and replaced by functions.  In most cases the
> functions have the same names as the old built-in variables, but some
> have been completely removed.  LOADPATH is one that has been removed.
> Now you need to use addpath, rmpath, etc. to manipulate the path.

The error is caused by the use of LOADPATH in the config file
/etc/octave2.9.conf. I have not changed the config file, and I have
purged and reinstalled the package just to be sure.

Kim Hansen
Vadgårdsvej 3, 2.tv
2860 Søborg
Fastnet: 3956 2437  --  Mobil: 3091 2437

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